A large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Includes course texts and patron requested books.
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An extensive collection of journals and books in the Arts and Sciences, including classical studies, ecology, economics, history, language and literature, mathematics, music, art and architecture, cultural studies, film, folklore, performing arts, philosophy, political science, sociology, and religion.
Check out Mount Saint Mary's University's digital primary source collections in JSTOR!
Kanopy is a streaming video resource with a broad collection of over 30,000 films on a multitude of subjects from leading producers/distributors, such as Criterion Collection, Kino Lorber, A24 and many more.
NYTimes.com is a multi-platform news tool that provides full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, podcasts, newsletters, live events and more. NYTimes.com is updated 24/7 with corresponding time stamps.
The New York Times is also available in Spanish
While the Wall Street Journal focuses on business related topics and financial information, this semi-daily newspaper includes articles on political, medical, educational and arts news.
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A discovery tool that can help you search many of the MSMU Libraries’ databases at once. With just a single keyword search, Quick Search can retrieve hundreds of thousands of books, articles, videos, dissertations, and more. It is a great way to start your research before you move on to more specific sources and databases.