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Course Reserves: eBooks

Business (BUS)

​BUS 216 

BUS 218  

BUS 231 

BUS 233 

BUS 235 

BUS 257/BUS 258 

BUS 261 

Creative Writing (CRW)

CRW 240


Economics (ECO)

ECO 112 / HIS 112  

  • Why Nations Fail: The origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty (Acemoglu, Robinson) 


Education (EDU)

EDU 299 


History (HIS)

ECO 112 / HIS 112 

  • Why Nations Fail: The origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty (Acemoglu, Robinson) 

Film (FLM)

Nursing (NUR)

NUR 239 

NUR 298 


Philosophy (PHI)

PHI 015 


Psychology (PSY)

PSY 203  

PSY 203 

PSY 254 

PSY 274 

Religious Studies (RST)

RST 041

RST 131 


Social Work (SW)

SW 118 

SW 135