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Your guide to learning about, making, locating, reading and citing zines at MSMU!

Zine Websites

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Find Zines and Zine Resources with Related Keywords

Related search terms that may help you find zine and zine-adjacent resources:   

  • Artists' Books
  • Mail art
  • Self-publishing
  • Serial publications
  • Small presses
  • Zines

Cite a Zine


In MLA style, a pamphlet,brochure, or zine is cited like a book (p. 174, MLA Handbook, 2009)

Include as much detail as possible.

  • No Author? - If your zine has no author, or if the author is "anonymous" begin your citation with the title of the zine.
  • Undated? - If your zine has no date use n.d.
  • No Place of Publication? - If your zine has no place of publication use N.p.
  • No Publisher? - If your zine has unknown publisher (and most are self-published) use n.p.

Find Zines in Los Angeles

Buy Zines

Zine Distros:

Where to buy zines in Los Angeles: