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Affordable Learning Materials Initiative (ALMI)

Initiative to make course materials more affordable for MSMU students

ALMI Faculty Champions

Stipend Awardees Ebook and/or OER Adopters OER Creators
I. Lovitch I. Lovitch Nancy Ballesteros
Dr. W. McCredie Dr. L. Fahey S. Gamson
Dr. M. French (2) Dr. M. Kidd V. Grajeda
Dr. M. Kidd D. Weaver M. Carsillo
Dr. M. Nickerson Dr. P. Tan M. Carranza Fonseca
S. Gamson Dr. P. Gist  
V. Grajeda (2) Dr. D. Rojo  
M. Carsillo Dr. A. Fietzer  
M. Carranza Fonseca Dr. B. Cornell  
C. Teeter Dr. C. Newsam  
  Dr. D. Powers  
  Dr. D. Lowe  
  Dr. S. Saito  
  Dr. J. Guthrie  
  Dr. V. Hu  
  Dr. M. Browning  
  Dr. D. Ickes  
  Dr. J. Ngan  
  Dr. C. Jun  

Stipend Awardees worked with the Library and Instructional Designers to develop low / no cost class readings.

Ebook or OER adopters found electronic books or open textbooks (in the Open Textbook Network and LibreTexts) to replace costly textbooks.  Access to course materials is mainly provided via Canvas.

OER Creators designed and implemented course materials using LibreTexts or Canvas.

How to Include Affordable Materials in Your Courses

Some suggestions for making your course materials equitable and affordable:

  • Adopt an Open Stax (or other open access) textbook and integrate it into Canvas
  • Adopt and Remix a Libretext book and integrate it into Canvas
  • Adopt eBooks and eArticles in the Libraries' collection and integrate them into Canvas
  • Develop a private course guide with resources that can be shared with students
  • Develop a public course guide with links to library materials and open access copies or library-purchased e-copies of class readings