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Affordable Learning Materials Initiative (ALMI)

Initiative to make course materials more affordable for MSMU students

ALMI has saved students over 101 thousand dollars since 2019.

ALMI Faculty Champions

Stipend Awardees Ebook and/or OER Adopters OER Creators
I. Lovitch I. Lovitch Nancy Ballesteros
Dr. W. McCredie Dr. L. Fahey S. Gamson
Dr. M. French (2) Dr. M. Kidd V. Grajeda
Dr. M. Kidd D. Weaver M. Carsillo
Dr. M. Nickerson Dr. P. Tan M. Carranza Fonseca
S. Gamson Dr. P. Gist  
V. Grajeda (2) Dr. D. Rojo  
M. Carsillo Dr. A. Fietzer  
M. Carranza Fonseca Dr. B. Cornell  
C. Teeter Dr. C. Newsam  
  Dr. D. Powers  
  Dr. D. Lowe  
  Dr. S. Saito  
  Dr. J. Guthrie  
  Dr. V. Hu  
  Dr. M. Browning  
  Dr. D. Ickes  
  Dr. J. Ngan  
  Dr. C. Jun  

Stipend Awardees worked with the Library and Instructional Designers to develop low / no cost class readings.

Ebook or OER adopters found electronic books or open textbooks (in the Open Textbook Network and LibreTexts) to replace costly textbooks.  Access to course materials is mainly provided via Canvas.

OER Creators designed and implemented course materials using LibreTexts or Canvas.

Stipend Courses implemented

ECO1 - adopted Principles of MicroEconomics 2e from Open Stax

ECO2 - adopted Principles of MacroEconomics 2e from Open Stax

BIO2 - adopted the AP Biology Open Stax textbook and created a private course guide of supplementary materials.

ENG145 - adopted public domain and/or library-subscribed copies of course texts and created a public course guide with supplementary materials.

BUS18 - adopted 2 library-subscribed eBooks and 1 video from Kanopy

ENG195 / HUM234e - adopted online and public domain copies of course texts and streaming films.  Also, created a public course guide with supplementary materials.

NUR184T - adopted online articles and book chapters/sections from the Libraries' electronic and print collection.  Also used public domain videos, articles and podcasts.  Created a public course guide with course materials linked to learning objectives.

SPA1, SPA2, FRE1 - The Language and Culture department committed to adopting zero textbook costs (ZTC) for all of their courses.  They remixed LibreText open textbooks and used LibreText's ADAPT system (integrated into Canvas) to create homework assignments.

SPA27A/SPA127A - Another Language and Culture course utilizing LIbreText and ADAPT for course readings/assignments.  Will also be used for SPA127B.

BUS190 - Used library-subscribed e-book as well as other library-subscribed materials

ECO 02 - Used the Open Stax Principles of Economics 3rd edition textbook

Non-Stipend Courses

HUM234e - created a public course guide with course readings and supplementary materials.  Did not require the switch to free course materials, but provided the textbooks in the library via 4 hour course reserves so students had a money-saving option.

Courses Independently Choosing Open Access Materials

SOC001 - course textbook is Introduction to Sociology 3e from OpenStax.  A printed version of this textbook is on reserve in the library for students who prefer looking at physical books.  Approximately 100 students (each semester!) are able to save money on this open access textbook.

Courses in Process

SPA127A and SPA 127B

ITA 001 & ITA 002

SPA 109

FRE 002