With the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the news, check out these resources from the library's online collections:
Industry Impacts of the Coronavirus - Published by IBISWorld, this report offers information about how the pandemic has affected the business world. Also, check out IBISWorld's Coronavirus Insider, which is chock full of research tools that delve into the economic impact of this pandemic. Be sure to check out the Coronavirus Industry Exposure tool, which offers up-to-date insights that focus on each industry (from Accommodation and Food Services to Wholesale Trade).
Coronavirus in OVID contains a predefined search for all research on COVID-19. You can narrow the search to specific types of articles (reports, clinical trials, fact sheets, etc.) or view only the articles that are included in MSMU's subscription. You may also search OVID for Coronavirus OR 2019-nCoV OR nCoV, limiting to full text
Resources from Foreign Policy - Tracks the spread of the virus with articles from Foreign Policy's pages. Read full text Foreign Policy articles in EBSCOhost.
BioOne, our eResource of the Month for March, has a new page devoted to COVID-19 related research, a lot of which is open access.