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Cite Your Sources

Your guide to source citation and management.

Speeches, Lectures, and Tweets


  • Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the Website, Name of the publisher, Date the resource was published, URL.

Lecture Notes

  • In-Text citation = (Lecturer's Last name) 
    • Example: (Smith)
  • Bibliography: Author - Last name, First name.  "Lecture Title."  Meeting or Class Name. Location. Date of Lecture [Day Month Year].
    • Example: Smith, Jana. "Lecture." English 6A. Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA. 22 Nov. 2012.


  • @twitter handle. "Tweet text." Twitter, day month year, time, URL


  • Author’s Last name, F.M. (Year published). Title of the article or individual page [Format]. Retrieved from URL

Lecture Notes

  • In-Text citation = (Lecturer's Last name, date)
    • Example: (Smith, 2012)
  • Bibliography: Author - Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Lecture title [Format]. Retrieved from Location resource site.
    • Example: Smith, J. (2012) Lecture on Literary Devices [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Mount St. Mary's College Angel site.


  • Username. (Year, Month Date). Tweet text. Retrieved from URL.


  • Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Accessed date. URL.

Lectures Notes

  • Footnote:  1. Author First Name Surname, "Lecture Title" (lecture, Location of Lecture, Month Day, Year of Lecture).
    • Example: 1. Smith, Jana, "Lecture on Literary Devices" (lecture, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, November 22, 2012).
  • Bibliography: Author- Last name, First Name or Initial. "Lecture Title." Lecture, Location of Lecture, Month Day, Year of Lecture.
    • Example: Smith, Jana. "Lecture on Literary Devices." Lecture, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, November 22. 2012.


  • Last name, First name. Twitter Post. Month Day, Year, Time. Tweet URL.


  • Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Accessed date. URL.

Lecture Notes

  • Footnote: 1. Author - First name Last name, [Lecture title] (class lecture, University name, City, State, Date).
    • Example: 1. Jana Smith, [Lecture on Literary Devices] (class lecture, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA, November 22. 2012).
  • Bibliography: Author -Last Name, First Name. "Lecture title." Lecture Type, Course name from University, City, Date.
    • Example: Smith, Jana. "Lecture on Literary Devices." Class lecture, English 6A from Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, November 22, 2012.


  • Notes only: Title of post.  Twitter post. Month day, year (time), accessed month, day, year, URL.


Lecture Notes

  • In-Text citation = (Lecturer's Last name date) 
    • Example: (Smith 2013)
  • Bibliography: Author - Last name, First initial date,  Lecture Title,  Meeting or Class Name at Location on Date of Lecture [Day Month Year].
    • ​Example: Smith, J 2013, Plagiarism and How to Avoid it, lecture notes for English 6A at Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles on 22 November 2013.

*Note: Title can be descriptive such as "History of Buddhism" rather than a formal title.


  • Last name, First initial. (year) Tweet text [Online]. Twitter. day month. Available: URL [Accessed mm/dd/yyyy].

Lecture Notes

  • Bibliography:
    • Example: Smith, J. Plagiarism and How to Avoid it. [PowerPoint]. Los Angeles: Mount St. Mary's College DPT Program; 2013.
    • Example: Smith, J. Plagiarism and How to Avoid it. [SoftChalk]. Los Angeles: Mount St. Mary's College DPT Program; 2013.

Theological Sources

Papal Encyclicals

Author. English title, Latin title (if applicable). Publisher, Date.

In-text: (Evangelium Vitae par. 4)

Bibliography: John, Paul II. Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae. United States Catholic Conference, 1995.


In-text: (Ex. 11:3)

Bibliography: The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, New Revised Standard Version. Michael D. Coogan, editor. Oxford UP, 2001.


In-text: (Deut. 5:5 Women's Devotional Bible)

Papal Encyclicals

Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, date.

Bibliography: Catholic Church and John Paul II. Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae. Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, 1995.


In-Text: (1 Cor. 6-10 New Revised Standard Version)

Footnote: 1. Ps. 139:13-16 (NRSV)

** The Bible does not need to be listed in the bibliography in APA, Turabian or Chicago.

Papal Encyclicals

Author. Latin title. English title. Source. date. URL

Footnote: 1. John Paul II,Evangelium vitae, Encyclical letter on the value and inviolability of human life, Vatican Web site, March 25, 1995,, sec. 97.

Bibliography: John Paul II.Evangelium Vitae. Encyclical letter on the value and inviolability of human life. Vatican Web site. March 25,1995.


In-Text: (1 Cor. 6-10 New Revised Standard Version)

Footnote: 1. Ps. 139:13-16 (NRSV)

** The Bible does not need to be listed in the bibliography in APA, Turabian or Chicago.

Annual Reports and SEC Filings (APA Style)

Annual Reports (APA Style)

From Company Website:

Fireeye, Inc.. (2017). Annual report 2017.  Retrieved from

From Database:

Fireeye, Inc. (2017). Annual report 2017. Retrieved from Mergent Online database.


SEC Filings (APA Style)

From Database:

Fireeye, Inc. (2018). Form 10-Q 2018. Retrieved from NexisUni.

From SEC website:

Fireeye, Inc. (2018). Form 10-K 2018. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website

IBIS World Reports


Report Number: Report Name”. IBISWorld. Month of report. Year of report 

Example: 31134: Candy Production in the US. May. 2022.


(Year, Month). Report Name. Report Number. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

Example: (2022, May). Candy Production in the US. 31134. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.


Author, Article name, Database name, Date published, URL

Example: Dmitry Diment, Candy Production in the US, IBISWorld, May 2022,


For more information, visit  IBIS World's Citation page.

Online Videos


Author last name, First Name. "Title of video." YouTube, uploaded by Screen Name, day month year,

If there is no author/creator listed, start the citation with the title and make sure to include the Screen Name of the uploader.

In-text: (Last name, 00:01:15 - 00:02:00) or "Title of video," 00:01:15 - 00:02:00)


Screen name. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxx

In-text: (last name or screen name, year).

Clinical Trials


Author. (year). Title. Identifier number. Retrieved from url


VA Office of Research and Development. (2016). Cooperative Studies Program #563 – Prazosin and combat trauma PTSD (PACT) Identification No. NCT00532493. Retrieved from